
Inventory is a critical aspect of business operations, as it involves tracking, controlling and organizing a company's stock or stock levels. The main objective of inventory is to maintain the right balance between having too much or too little stock. Here are some essential features to look for when choosing a Inventry:

  • Asset tracking: Ability to track and manage school assets, including computers, equipment, furniture, etc.
  • Stock management: Ability to manage school supplies and equipment, including tracking stock levels and generating reports.
  • Purchase order management: Ability to generate and track purchase orders for school supplies, equipment and other resources.
  • Barcoding: Ability to generate and scan barcodes for tracking assets and inventory items.
  • Alerts and notifications : Automatic alerts for low stock levels, expiring items, and other inventory related events.
  • Reports: Ability to generate reports on inventory usage, consumption, and cost.
  • Integration with other systems: Ability to integrate with accounting, procurement, and other relevant systems.
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